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Legal information

The layout and contents of this website constitute together a work protected by existing laws on intellectual property, of which Minalogic is the owner. Unless indicated otherwise, names and logos are registered trademarks of Minalogic .

This website is published by: PROXIMUM365
Registered Office: 24 Quai Gallieni 92 150 Suresnes – FRANCE
Phone: +33 (0)1 46 90 00 01
Fax: +33 (0)1 46 90 00 09

Design, construction: PROXIMUM365
Content: PROXIMUM365

PROXIMUM365 is registered in the register of companies of the Nanterre Court of First Instance, under No. 424 540 441 RCS NANTERRE.

Protecting the data generated by the Vimeet application was already an integral part of our ethical values. We did not wait for the General Data Protection Regulation draft to do so. We support our customers in the management and security of their Vimeet related data by helping them adopt best practices and comply with new European laws. Find the official text of the GDPR law here.

Passive data collection
This website uses Google analytics technology, and does not use persistent cookies that reside on your hard drive. If you'd like to opt out of Analytics, please visit Google's Privacy Policy and Terms of Service, which include a link to the Analytics opt-out page.
Analytics permet de collecter les données suivantes :
• Page data: domain, path, page title
• User data: Timezone
• Navigation Data: Originating URL, Single View Page ID
• Browser data: height and width of the screen, user-agent
• Interaction data: height and width of the page
• These data still apply the anonymization of IP addresses.

Jurisdiction Clause
This website is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute, the Courts of France shall have exclusive jurisdiction.

Limitation of Liability
The information available on the website (texts, graphics, photos, etc.) is purely for general information purposes and is provided as a guideline only. Despite our best care in creating this website and ensuring its accuracy, particularly with regard to the updating of information online, this website cannot form a contractual document and cannot be used as grounds for legal action. PROXIMUM365 cannot guarantee the reliability and comprehensiveness of information made available to Internet users of this website. As a consequence, PROXIMUM365 shall not be held responsible for the inaccuracy and/or omission of any of the information published online on this website. In order to benefit from accurate and up-to-the minute information and to verify whether the information published on this website is correct and up-to-date, we advise you to contact the project manager directly, whose details you will find on the Contact page. Only the general conditions of participation specific to each event are contractual. You will be notified of the general conditions of participation when you register, and they must be read and approved. Furthermore, PROXIMUM365 shall not be held responsible for any damage resulting from an Internet user’s access to and/or use of the website, or resulting from the impossibility of accessing the website.

Hypertext Links
Inserting a hypertext link to this website requires prior authorisation in writing from Minalogic . In any case, Minalogic has no control over any website containing a hypertext link to this website. Under no circumstances can Minalogic be held liable for websites that contain a hypertext link to this website and does not accept any responsibility with regard to their content and use.

This legal notice may be modified and/or adapted at any time. Minalogic undertakes to inform you about these amendments as soon as possible and suggests that you check this notice regularly. For further information, please contact MAISON MINATEC 3 PARVIS LOUIS NÉEL 38054 GRENOBLE CEDEX 9.