Organized by
With the support of
La Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Clermont Auvergne Innovation
NL Pays-Bas
High Tech NL
High Tech NL
Powered by

Our ways to make your MBMs a success

Make Minalogic Business Meetings one of your best business opportunities of 2025!

3 façons

Complete your profile
and stand out

Filling out your profile on the platform is crucial. It will ensure that you get the highest possible acceptance rate for meetings. Log in and complete your profile

3 façons

Take control of the business meetings platform

Registration Login

of the participants were satisfied or very satisfied with the organisation of the event in 2024

How do the Minalogic Business Meetings work?

Gif evolution prix
1 Register online
  • Create your profile and register now!
  • To maximize your chances of getting qualified meetings, we encourage you to fill out your profile with as much information as possible about your company and your expertise.
  • A well-filled profile is the first step to success!

2 Request your BtoB meetings
One month before the event, check the list of attendees and send meeting requests to contacts of interest to you.

3 Accept or decline the requests sent to you:
All attendees are eligible to request meetings. The recipient must accept or decline the request.

4 Receive your meeting schedule:
One week before the event, you will receive a schedule with meetings accepted by both parties

5 Last-minute meeting requests:
Make your meetings, develop your business through networking and attending conferences.

A hybrid event, how does it work?


Participate On-site or Online

Benefit from equivalent options whatever my choice is

Switch from
On-site to Online
at any time

Participate On-site
In Lyon (France)

We are setting up an exceptional and 100% safe system:

  • Optimization of input and output flows
  • Intelligent management of each person's availability thanks to scheduling tools
  • Re-thinking of spaces (reception area, conference rooms, exhibition areas...)
  • Real-time counting of participants
  • Adapted signage

We Lead by Example!

An online event
from the comfort of your own workspace

To give you the closest experience possible to attending the physical event, we have chosen the Vimeet technology platform to enable a new version of the Minalogic Business Meetings with:

  • A limited and controlled investment
  • Pre-scheduled qualified meetings via videoconference, with the people you have selected
  • A very promising ROI
  • A respected private and professional life balance
  • Participation is open to everyone, even at the last minute

We guarantee

  • Access to all participants to the Event, thanks to our Online networking tools (general chat, private chat, one2one videoconferences).
  • Access to all conferences, thanks to our live streaming sessions.
  • Qualified and pre-scheduled business meetings.
  • A Secure and Safe Event offering an immersive and enriching experience!